Saturday, March 12, 2011

Yummy Crackers

Not sure if anyone is still reading this blog at all, but these crackers are too good not to post.

Ritz Crackers
These are seriously a lot like the real deal. We haven't been able to find those Nutro ones in a while, so I was excited to be able to make my own, and I think they are way better than the Nutro anyway.  I made a couple of changes:

After baking them for 10 minutes I put the butter mixture on and put them on broil for about 2 minutes to get them a little crisper and slightly darker on top.
I increased the salt in the butter mixture and need more of the mixture. All in all I used 5 TBSP butter and 1 and 1/2 tsp salt.

Last night I decided to try another variation. I added about a TBSP of parmesan to the dough (the cheapo kind from America, not the fresh stuff) and some dried herbs. Then I added about 1 or 2 TBSP?? of parmesan to the butter mixture and also some fresh basil. I did the broil part before putting on the mixture.  I also used about half Blue Band in place of butter in both the dough and topping mixture and they still tasted great!

FYI- the dough on these is sticky and it takes a little practice to work with if you are not used to rolling out sticky doughs.

Here's a pic of my "Ritz" crackers. I actually prefered them a little lighter than this, but Carson liked them this dark.

I also saw this post on the same website:

goldfish crackers

I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but they look easy and good. You need a small goldfish cookie cutter to get the look, but I'm sure they would taste just as good cut into little squares or circles. You could even poke little smily faces into them and call them smiley crackers, if you plan to share them with the kids!